Sunday, July 29, 2012

Good Idea/Bad Idea

Today I ventured out to the Ohio State Fair. I returned with a ridiculous( and I mean ridiculous in the hysterically funny, don't want to be seen in public way..) sunburn on my face, and a few insights.

First, there are so many artisans and crafters out there who are so much better than I am, on so many levels.

Second, I need a large stained glass window, peacock patterned, room divider. It took best of show in the glass division, and it was absolutely gorgeous!

Third, I need to spend more time focusing on improving the things I do know, and not find any new hobbies for a while. I am a Jill of all trades, master of none.

While in Ohio, I have none of my paint supplies. None of my leather working tools, although I'm in the midst of working that one out. No scrap-booking paraphernalia. No beads, yarn,clay, or any of my musical instruments.

What I do have is my grandfather's guitar that needs new strings, his banjo that my mom won't let me touch until I've learned to play the banjo..*cough cough* insert shameless ploy to guilt her into letting me restring it and teach myself. I also have her sewing machine, a few tubes of paint, a digital camera, and an endless supply of printer paper- with no ink at the moment.

So lets see how creative I can be at being creative in the next few weeks.